August 24th, 2023
An application that takes in a user input, converts it into a number, then generates a random walk using that number as a seed. The end result is a unique random walk specific to the user's input.
August 5th, 2023
A Discord bot that transforms text into various formats including but not limited to: english translator, morse code, greek Characters, superscript, & subscript.
Open sourced so new commands can be added by the community. Is a great way to learn about the Discord.js library and how to use APIs.
July 30th, 2023
An ongoing project. MothMan is a utility bot manages the Black Goat's Egg Discord server. It features a ticket system, prompt based responses, various APIs, server moderation, and more!
The newest feature is a command to convert images types /convert-image.
June 12th, 2023
The Mental Library
A small community maintained library to promote the sharing of knowledge, tools, and importance of mental health.
June 1st, 2023
Password Generator Challenge
A FrontendMentor design to code challenge. Users can select the length of the password and choose to include numbers, symbols, and/or uppercase letters.
May 29th, 2023
Newsletter Form Challenge
A FrontendMentor design to code challenge. Users can add their email and submit the form & see a success message with their email after successfully submitting the form.
December 12th, 2022
A restful API delivering quotes from a variety different of video game title's. Ultima is also open source and receives updates almost daily. This also my first personal full-stack application. Additional quotes are added bi-weekly, next major update will allow user quote submissions